Dear Creative: You’re not an imposter

As a creative, you’re probably wondering when you will hit or become the next big thing but you also quite scared that when you get discovered you and think you are a fraud but that’s not true, we found gems for you from the book Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon to help you discover that you’re just becoming exactly who you are meant to be.

If you are passionate about two or more crafts as a creative, you might feel like you are not all that good at what you do as you should be and probably choose to fall on just one craft. If you are good at storytelling and music writing, or poetry and sculpting but feel focusing om one might give you an edge, you could be right but you also could be wrong.

Steven Tomlison, a playwright said and suggested that if you love different things, you should just keep spending time with them, “Let them talk to each other, Something will begin to happen”. In other words, the common thread is You.

As Austin Kleon said; What unifies all your work is the fact that you made it.

Every Work Isn’t Original
One of the reasons creatives feel like they are imposters is because they think they are not creating originals and that is totally fine, because every one is stealing ideas from every source they can find, nobody creates from a vacuum. When you start to pick ideas from people you love and work on all of it, you create your own ideas through processing and refining.

Art is theft- Pablo Picasso

Don’t worry about the grand scheme or unified vision of your work. Don’t worry about unity, one day you’ll look back and it will all make sense.

Don’t Wait To Till You’re Ready
Truth is, nobody was ever born ready or knew what it felt like to be ready, we all just push ourselves to the place of readiness. Even if it means pushing that voice of doubt popularly know as the imposter syndrome out of the way. The Imposter Syndrome is a very common phenomenon in a creative’s life that makes them feel unworthy of the things they’ve created or produced. Just learn to show up regardless of how you feel. Keep going.

You are ready, Start making stuff

Remember, the journey is part of your growth as a creative. You’re not an imposter, you’re simply a work in progress, just like every other great artist.


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