The end of the year is a time to reset, re-calibrate and rest for the start afresh for the new year. Truthfully, the year 2024 has hit us with a lot of surprises as Nigerians and right now, we just want to hide and find peace. But you still have goals to check off that list and you do not want to give up and throw in the towel. Let’s figure out how to finish the year strong together through self-motivation:
Remember WHY You Started
Your why is the reason you wrote goals down in the first place, remember them, write them down, put them up where you can see them, memorize them and let them motivate you enough to keep going. Every time you feel your motivation slipping, remind yourself of the purpose behind your goals. This is your fuel to keep moving forward. When you know why you’re doing something, it makes the journey a lot easier, and the obstacles seem more like stepping stones than roadblocks.
Celebrate Your Progress
We’ve heard it a million times before but how do we actually celebrate your little and big wins? By doing something that makes you happy, getting yourself a treat or a gift, write yourself an appreciation note. Recognize the progress you have made and let it fuel you for the goals you have left. If you’re close to finishing a particular goal, reward yourself, it can make all the difference. A boost in your self-esteem is also a reward in result.
Reset The Goals
Look at your unmarked goals again and find the goals you can make great progress with in this short time frame. Make them simpler, add effective steps you need to take to make to achieving the goal easier. Create a roadmap that’s specific to the time you have left. Focus on what you can realistically achieve in these last weeks, and prioritize the tasks that will make the biggest impact. Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals, what’s important is that you’re still moving forward.
Pray and Mediate
Prayer and meditation is an effective way of getting motivated again. It gives you a chance to let off steam and stress. It also provides the benefit of improving your mood, increase resilience, and focus. Whether you engage in a morning prayer, a short meditation session, or simply a moment of reflection, it will help clear your mind and restore your energy.
Be Your Own Biggest Cheerleader
Self-motivation is the ultimate tool to finishing strong by the end of 2024. You are your own biggest cheerleader and, at times, your own biggest competition. Keep reminding yourself of your worth and the potential that lies within you. These last few weeks can still be fulfilling if you stay focused and committed to your journey. The key is consistency, and with the right mindset, you can achieve a lot even in a short period.
Along side, Find like minded people, Review your goals again with someone, find new steps to take to make achieving some goals easier, ask for help. Self-Motivation is the best way to finish strong by the end of 2024, you are your biggest cheerleader and competition. Let these few days be fulfilling in your journey.