Overcoming Creative Block

Creative blocks are periods where reduced creative thinking and productivity occur. You are probably staring at a blank page of a screen, paper, or design. Being a creative has its perks but some days can be overwhelming when you need help getting something done. Overcoming creative block takes more than just searching for solutions online or waiting for time to take its claws off you. These are practical steps to help you gain the upper hand in getting the job done.

Take A Walk
Sometimes a simple change of scenery can do wonders for your creativity. A new environment can provide fresh inspiration and help shift your perspective. A change of location might be all you need you find your spark again.

Try A Different Way
It’s great having a routine or guiding steps to getting things done but at times it’s better to try things differently, doing this will help your creativity find it’s self in various inspiring ways. If you are an artist, try dancing, if you’re writer, try doodling, if you are a rapper, reas poetry. Find yourself in different dimensions of art.

Make It A Conversation
Talk about your projects with others, they do not necessarily have to be creatives too. You’ll never know the treasure you will find in another genius mind. Speak to other creatives too, they might help you find your spark back.

Remove from your space, remove from your mind. The less you have going on around you and your mind the better. Your brain is where all the creative genius happen, it is best to not overwork it.

Creative block could also be a work of procrastination or burn out, learn to know which is feeling you are having and get yourself motivated to just start.


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