Fake It Till You Make It: Not A Financial Advice

The art of faking it till you make it has traveled around for decades, passing down the idea of imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in their real life and achieve the results they seek, but over the years, it has advanced into more than building one’s self-esteem and skipped right into money habits. It is dangerous for your finances to pick up such an unhealthy habit for your mindset around money.

Over the years, it has become a likely motive for us to fake it around money, so much so that it only gets us into debt. We can sink so deep into the sinking sand of faking, that we lose the reality of actually making it.

So, how do we make it without needing to fake it?

Own What You Can Afford


If you are a person trying to reach stability in your finances it is only wise to own things that will help you achieve that goal you are aiming for. Owning liabilities will only cause a drain on your bank balance and your goals. Sometimes, focusing on the positives without working on the negatives will affect one achieving their goals rather than helping us reach them.
There’s a fine line between treating yourself and living beyond your means. Make sure the purchases you make today don’t come back to haunt you tomorrow. The new phone, the luxury outfit, or even that trip abroad can wait if your financial foundation isn’t solid. You need to be true to yourself at all times.


Don’t Cheat Your Future Self


Taking loans and piling up debt is a continuous rat race one can barely get out of without a plan and an emergency fund at hand. If you find yourself taking out loans to keep up appearances or splurging beyond your means, you’re not only cheating your current self, but you’re putting future-you in a difficult position too, Imagine waiting for a certain amount of money only to have it passed down again to the people you owe. Start thinking of money as a way to secure long-term stability rather than a tool to maintain a short-term lifestyle.
Creating a budget that reflects your actual income and expenses is a very important first step. Make sure you set aside an emergency fund for those unexpected rainy days, focus on the future as often as you can.


Avoid Comparison


Comparison sometimes fuels a need to prove yourself to others. it is sometimes the thief of joy and most times, the thief of peace. In a world driven by social media, it’s so easy to look at the highlight reels of other people’s lives on Instagram and feel left behind. But remember, no one posts their financial struggles online, all we see is a small fragment of that person’s life.
Instead of comparing, focus on your own financial goals. Everyone’s journey looks different. It’s okay to progress at your own pace as long as you are moving forward.


Learn More About Building


If you already have knowledge of finance and money, still learn some more. Financial literacy is a skill that requires constant growth and attention. Dive into books, online resources, or podcasts that offer practical tips on saving, investing, and building wealth. The more you learn, the more empowered you’ll feel to make decisions that align with your long-term goals.
Building wealth takes time, but with the right tools, and right knowledge you can create the future you want without pretending to have it all now. It’s okay to start small, whether that means opening a savings account that provides interest or learning about low-risk investments. Every step forward counts.


Avoid Black Tax


It is easy to get emotional around money especially when family is involved. The concept of Black tax, where one feels obligated to provide for extended family members, is a real challenge. While helping family is noble, it shouldn’t come at the expense of your financial health. You cannot pour from an empty cup.
Set boundaries and have open, honest conversations about what you can and cannot afford. Learn to prioritize your own financial well-being, and you’ll be in a much better position to help others in the future.

Building financial stability is a slow journey but faking it till you make it as much as it sounds exciting can only make the journey slower. Focusing on your goals and avoiding distractions or creating a façade is one way to keep yourself on the right track. Keep learning and Stay financially smart.


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