Making the Muscles Flexible: Methodological Guidelines

Flexible muscles are vital for every human as many positive significance are linked to having a healthy, balanced, and optimized life. Most of the benefits include an improved range of motion, high mobility, exceptional strength and power, joint stability, drastic reduction of strain and muscle pulls, reduced muscle soreness, improved blood circulation, faster recovery from exercises, and longevity of lifespan.

According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O), there are set recommendations for physical muscle and how to carry out these exercises safely. For flexibility, children and adolescents between the ages of five to seventeen can carry out a sixty-minute moderate to energetic activity each day. For older individuals sixty-five years above, one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate to energetic aerobics are recommended and should be carried out each week. For young to mid adults between eighteen to sixty-four years one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate to energetic aerobics physical activities or seventy-five minutes of energetic to more advanced activity per week is recommended.

Methodological Guidelines for Having Flexible Muscles

To have flexible muscles, there are easy steps to follow to prevent wrong outcomes and increase the results of these routine exercises.

– Performing Warm-Up: The first thing to do is to carry out a warm-up exercise to enhance blood circulation in the body. A time range of five to ten minutes will raise the body temperature to circulate the blood to all muscles of the body and prepare them for stretching. Activities like walking, hugging, or even cycling are encouraged.

– Body Stretch: A five to ten-minute stretching that could involve smooth and repetitive movement through a range of motion, will help stretch the body. Simple activities like leg swings, arm circles, and walking lunges aid in stretching the body.

– Focused Stretch of Muscles: Performing forward bends of Hamstrings, standing quad stretch (quadriceps), raising the calves, cat-cow stretch of the back, shoulder stretching, and hip flex stretch for about fifteen to thirty seconds and repeating for two to three minutes.

– Isostretching: It is advisable to carry out this step after a focused stretch operation. Holding a position for a longer period of thirty seconds to one minute, and staying relaxed avoiding bouncing which could result in muscle tears.

– Combining Yoga: For Strengthening the muscles, a fifteen to thirty-minute daily Yoga activity is key. In promoting flexibility and balance. Poses like the Downward Dog, Seated forward bend and child pose will enhance flexibility.

– Coordinated Breathing: Breathing in deeply enhances the preparation for stretching while breathing out slowly helps relax the muscle.

– Consistency: Consistency is very paramount when it comes to making the muscles flexible. It is advised to stretch daily or do it a minimum of three to four times each week.

– Staying Hydrated and Using Foam Rollers: Drinking plenty of water helps the muscles stay hydrated and helps reduce stiffness. Also using foam rollers can help break down scar tissues and knots that will increase stability.

Carrying out these steps can enhance flexibility in muscles. It is also advisable to make it a habit and ritual as any slight lapses in continuity will cause reduced movements and stiffness of the muscles.


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